What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a treatment technique which utilises a single small needle (acupuncture needle) to be inserted into the muscle in order to decrease pain and improve function by releasing muscle knots.

What is the Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture?

Although these two techniques are quite similar, dry needling treatment primarily focus on the restoration of function by releasing muscle knots, whereas acupuncture focuses on the treatment of medical conditions by restoring the flow of energy (Qi) through critical points in the body (meridians) to restore balance.

How Does Dry Needling Work?

Dry needling works fantastically by releasing myofascial trigger points ( muscle knots) and therefore improving muscles natural ability to lengthen and shorten when activated.

What Does Dry Needling Do?

When the needle is inserted and the muscles knot pierced, it triggers a physiological response in which chemicals helps the knot to decompress. As a results, tight muscles around the body are instantly relaxed and back to normal.

What Causes Muscle knots (trigger point)?

A muscle knot (trigger point) occurs as part of the body’s protective response following:

  • injury – sporting injuries, sudden fall;

  • unexpected movements, e.g. descending a step that is lower than initially anticipated;

  • nerve impingement ( nerve compresses the muscle)

  • quick movements, e.g. turning your neck suddenly;

  • sustained postures for a long time, e.g. prolonged sitting for work or study;

  • stress;

  • illness (bacterial or viral);

  • nutritional deficiencies, or;

  • metabolic and endocrine disorders.

When Is Dry Needling Treatment Recommended?

Dry needling can assist in treatment:

  • to help release muscle knots (trigger points)

  • to assist with pain management, and;

  • to restore normal joint movement.

What are the Side Effects of Dry Needling?

Every form of treatment can carry an associated risk. Your physiotherapist can explain the risks and can determine whether dry needling is suitable for you based on your injury and your general health.

When dry needling occurs, single-use, sterile needles are always used and disposed of immediately after use into a certified sharps container.

Is Dry Needling Safe?

Everybody is different and can respond differently to various treatment techniques, including dry needling. In addition to the benefits that dry needling can provide, some side effects may occur, including spotting or bruising, fainting, nausea, residual discomfort or even altered energy levels. However, these symptoms should last no longer than 24 to 48 hours after treatment.

Can You Exercise After Dry Needling?

We recommend avoiding strenuous or high impact activities for at least 12 hours after dry needling, to allow the body time to recover, and to maximise the benefits of the treatment.

At Revival, most of our physiotherapists are qualified and skilled in dry needling and would be happy to discuss your treatment options.