Top 4 reasons why home visit physiotherapy can be better for you

With the recent pandemic, health services have started to change, offering alternative treatment options to those in need. Particularly, the majority people who are in pain, had a surgery, or work from home, have found that having physios coming to their house was extremely helpful and satisfying.

Do you want to know why? Here are my top 4 reasons:

1- Saving that nightmare commute to a physiotherapy clinic

Book an appointment, 25min drive to the clinic, 15 min to find the practice, 10-15 min waiting, another 20 minutes to get back home. Commuting to a clinic will make you waste an additional 90 minute of your day, not ideal when you have work, family and a busy life! However, when booking a mobile physio, they come to your house at your desired time, saving time and the hassle to commute, of course!

2- One on one consultation with no interruption

Have you ever seen a physio who leave you for 5- 10 min, goes to check other patients and then comes back? pretty sure you have experienced that! Mobile physios will instead focus entirely on you, spending the whole session with hands on treatment & providing tailored home exercises. Not to mention that the majority of home services sessions last for 1 hour compared to only 30 min at a clinic.

3- Rehabilitation when unable to commute to a clinic.

Physiotherapy is mainly utilised by people who are sometimes in lots of pain or had surgery. In this case, commuting to a physio clinic would be a big issue due to mobility restrictions and pain. However, mobile physiotherapists could come to see you and start helping you in your own environment and comfort. Your house becomes the clinic, we bring the expertise!

4- Home physiotherapy is the future.

From Uber to Amazon Prime, every service is now delivered at home and companies are promoting convenience & unevaluable customer experience. Physiotherapy is following a similar pathway, with government bodies providing home healthcare plans to the aged care population in order to improve their quality of life.

If you want to know more about home visit physiotherapy, please contact us or call us at +61 0401 610233.


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